Because of the current problem of the traditional model of university education where it is seen as less relevant for the future (young people wonder if attending university offers the benefits that are anticipated, employees doubt whether universities are still the best source of talent and ideas, and some politicians doubt the value of greater financing for higher education), the ForEMLink project will act to find solutions.
This project focuses on the identification, European-wide understandable documentation and recognition of learning outcomes of a specific group: university drop-outs. This group, whose size is rather in- than decreasing, shall also benefit from a European area of skills and competences. Here, transparency shall be based on a newly generated tool. The partners of this project develop guidelines which allow drop-outs to document their qualifications and competences according to ECVET and EQF and –as far as already available – ESCO standards. Given the idea that this tool shall facilitate the integration of drop-outs into vocational education and training (VET), this project generates transitions between educational sectors and contributes to the permeability of educational systems in Europe.
Las prácticas profesionales constituyen un elemento esencial en los planes de formación inicial de maestros, contribuyendo no sólo al desarrollo de competencias, sino también a su orientación profesional y posterior inserción laboral. No obstante, …
This document is a mapping of the vulnerable groups and non-traditional students in the consortium countries. It gives an overview of different definitions and understandings of non-traditional students in European Higher Education, and presents some …
La presente aportación pretende ser una síntesis del Proyecto y de sus aportaciones, tratando de dar una visión general de lo realizado y conseguido, a la vez que informar sobre los mecanismos que permiten acceder al conocimiento desarrollado. No …
The aim of ACCESS4ALL is to promote the educational and social inclusion of under-represented groups as well as of non-traditional learners, thereby broadly satisfying one of the main priorities being called for in the Erasmus+ programme and addressing one of the important features of it: “promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers.
The dropout rate is an indicator of complex analysis and there is no consensus on its significance. Universities lack systematized, univocal methods for collecting student dropout data, making measurement problematic. In consequence, the formulas …
El acceso y permanencia en la universidad sigue siendo un reto importante para los sistemas universitarios y las instituciones que los componen. A menudo, se relaciona con la calidad de la formación, se utiliza como un indicador importante de la …
El acceso y permanencia en la universidad no ofrece, hoy por hoy, las mismas oportunidades a todos los ciudadanos que están en condiciones de realizar estudios superiores. Razones económicas, culturales, sociales o de género castigan de una manera …
El Proyecto ACCEDES ha desarrollado un Manual de trabajo que orienta la identificación de colectivos vulnerables en las universidades y la intervención sobre los mismos, con la finalidad de promover su permanencia en la universidad y su mayor éxito …