Higher Education in Finland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and UK. A brief overview


This document is a mapping of the vulnerable groups and non-traditional students in the consortium countries. It gives an overview of different definitions and understandings of non-traditional students in European Higher Education, and presents some data about each country and summarizes the main polices regarding inclusion in Higher Education.

University of Bergamo
Dovigo, F. (Ed.), Castro, D., Duarte, A., Iucu, R., Jerónimo, M., Kinnunen, H., Lucas, L., Mäkelä, T., Mangas, C., Marin, E., Murariu, C., Rodríguez-Gómez, D., Sousa, S., Stîngu, M. (2016). Higher Education in Finland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and UK. A brief overview. Bergamo: University of Bergamo https://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.26307.81441.
David Rodríguez-Gómez
David Rodríguez-Gómez
Professor Agregat

Professor del Departament de Pedagogia Aplicada de la UAB, investigador de l’Equip de Desenvolupament Organitzatiu, reconegut com a grup d’investigació consolidat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, consultor del Màster U. en Psicopedagogia de la UOC i Avaluador de l’Agència Nacional d’Avaluació de la Qualitat i Acreditació.
