The online PhD dropout: Narratives and meanings of withdrawal


Online doctoral dropout is a persistent yet largely overlooked issue by institutions and researchers. This qualitative study investigated thecandidates’ circumstances leading to withdrawal, its emotional repercussions, and subsequent academic trajectories. We conducted in-depth interviews with ten former part-time online PhD students and employed thematic analysis to identify dominant narratives of withdrawal. Findings showed three narratives: reluctance, grief, and relief. Reluctant dropouts perceived themselves as “being dropped out” and were more inclined to complete their doctorates in the future due to sustained motivation. Grieving dropouts experienced frustration and guilt, still processing a painful experience. Relieved dropouts viewed leaving the PhD as the right decision considering their circumstances and were ready to move forward in their lives. We argue that online doctoral dropout is polysemic and should not be automatically equated to the final chapter of the doctoral trajectory. Recommendations for institutions include implementing exit interviews, follow-up procedures, and re-engagement paths.

Distance Education, Advance online publication

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Melián, E., Reyes, J. I., & Meneses, J. (2024). The online PhD dropout: Narratives and meanings of withdrawal. Distance Education, Advance online publication.
Efrem Melián
Efrem Melián
Investigador doctoral

Investigador predoctoral del programa d’Educació i TIC de la UOC.

José Israel Reyes
José Israel Reyes

Analista qualitatiu de l’eLearning Innovation Center (eLinc) de la UOC.

Julio Meneses
Julio Meneses
Full Professor

Professor de metodologia de la investigació, director d’Anàlisi de l’Aprenentatge i de la Docència de l’eLearning Innovation Center i investigador de l’Internet Interdisciplinary Institute de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
