Wikipedia has a well documented gender gap in content and content creation (Collier & Bear, 2012; Hill & Shaw, 2013). One of the policies and guidelines that affect the content creation in Wikipedia is the …
Wikipedia has a well documented gender gap both in content and content creation (Collier & Bear, 2012; Hill & Shaw, 2013), for instance the English Wikipedia has less than 18.6% of biographies of women scientists …
The Covid-19 crisis has affected Higher Education around the world in different ways. In most countries, face-to-face universities had to move immediately their academic activities to online because of the lockdown. On …
The expansion of distance and online education in the last two decades has opened the possibility to universalise access to higher education around the world. Hence, a diverse range of non-traditional students have …
Desde 2013, el senior cohousing o vivienda colaborativa de mayores es un fenómeno en auge en España. Se trata de centros y viviendas construidas y gestionadas por personas que deciden vivir la última etapa de sus vidas …
Wearable sensors are providing exciting new research opportunities for social scientists. The scholarly community has invested considerable effort to assess the validity and reliability of gathered data over the recent …
Wikipedia began in 2001 and already reaches more than 40 million articles in more than 300 languages. It is the main source of information for many users, especially in the educational field, where seven out of ten …
La enseñanza de la programación en la infancia es un hecho. Obligatoria en algunos países y etapas, algunos autores defienden su bondad como herramienta para trabajar el pensamiento computacional. En este póster …
Transferring learning into professional practice should be one of the main goals of any training programme, thus dismantling the gap between the academic and work world (Correa, 2015). The analysis of elements affecting …
The access of a greater percentage of the population to higher education and the need for greater levels of educational quality has increased the interest of universities in gaining a deeper understanding of access …
Recent research on the factors that promote ICT implementation in schools has emphasised the need to include school level variables and concluded that focusing solely on variables at class level or individual teacher …
El disseny i la construcció de mostres representatives és un procés complex no exempt de dificultats. Obtenir dades estructurades a partir de l’auto-informe dels participants i amb una precisió (o error) coneguda per a …
In the recent years there has been wide interest in the implementation of the ICT in educational institutions. Much of the research on ICT in education has pointed to the role of computers in classroom, particularly in …
In the recent years there has been wide interest in the implementation of the ICT in schools. While most studies mainly focus on the use of ICT in teaching and learning, there is little literature that addresses which …