Technology use for teaching and learning


Our main aim is to categorise the different uses teachers and students make of ICT as a teaching and learning tool in technology-rich classrooms. A questionnaire about possible uses was developed following the guidelines provided by the literature review. A sample of teachers (n=278) who teach in highly technological classrooms participated in the study. Four types of educational ICT use in the classroom turned out of the exploratory factor analysis: teachers’ technology use of content, teachers’ technology use of interaction, students’ technology use of content, and students’ technology use of interaction. Useful ideas for researchers and teachers are provided.

Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 46, 9-24

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Badia, A., Meneses, J., & Garcia, C. (2015). Technology use for teaching and learning. Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 46, 9-24.
Julio Meneses
Julio Meneses
Full Professor

Professor de metodologia de la investigació, director de Learning Analytics de l’eLearning Innovation Center i investigador de l’Internet Interdisciplinary Institute de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
